It might seem like things have been a little quiet at AFARNet in 2023, but a lot has been happening behind the scenes. We are currently involved in a collaborative project with APERF examining research priorities for the Australian podiatry profession, which involves AFARNet members Prof Hylton Menz, Dr Shan Bergin (Chair of APERF), Dr Helen Banwell, Dr Peta Tehan and Dr Sheree Hurn. This will include both a bibliographic assessment of foot and ankle research conducted in Australia, and a Delphi project to determine research priorities. We will let members know how things are progressing. Watch this space!

1. To identify the most important clinical research questions relevant to patients with foot and ankle disorders
2. To enhance the scientific quality and impact of foot and ankle research
3. To advocate for foot and ankle research support from funding organisations
4. To facilitate collaboration between research groups
5. To support the development of early career researchers through mentoring

To establish a collaborative, cohesive and integrated network of researchers, clinicians, consumer representatives, industry partners and professional associations to enhance the quality, recognition, impact and funding of clinical research on foot and ankle disorders in Australia.